Category Archives: DefaultCategory
Number (dp-性质数状态表示)
举个例子,4139就是满足条件的数字,把3当成支点,我们有这样的等式4 * 2 + 1 *1 = 9 * 1。
两个数,表示x,y。 0 <= x,y<= 1018。
7604 24324
0 <= x,y<= 1018
#include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib> #include<functional> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; #define MAXS 810 + 10 +4000 #define MAXx 1000000000000000000 #define MAXI 30 long long f[MAXI][MAXS][2],depth,a[MAXI],ans,pos; //0 <= 只能取<=第i位的数,否则超过X越界 1 高位已经取了更小的 位数 后面随便取 long long dfs(int i,int s,int c) { if (s<0||s>MAXS) return 0; if ((i==0)&&((s)||(c))) return 0; if (i==0) {//cout<<i<<' '<<s<<' '<<c<<' '<<f[i][s][c]<<endl; return 1;} // cout<<i<<' '<<s<<' '<<c<<' '<<f[i][s][c]<<endl; if (f[i][s][c]>=0) return f[i][s][c]; else f[i][s][c]=0; if (!c) { // cout<<"push "<<a[i]<<endl; f[i][s][c]+=dfs(i-1,s-(pos-i)*a[i],0); } else { for (int k=0;k<a[i];k++) //{ cout<<"push "<<k<<endl; f[i][s][c]+=dfs(i-1,s-(pos-i)*k,0); // cout<<"pop "<<k<<endl;} for (int k=0;k<=9;k++)//{ cout<<"push "<<k<<endl; f[i][s][c]+=dfs(i-1,s-(pos-i)*k,1); //cout<<"pop "<<k<<endl;} } return f[i][s][c]; } long long calc(long long x) { if (!x) return 0; //<0的杠杆数为0 long long ans=0; memset(f,0,sizeof(f)); depth=0; while (x) { depth++; a[depth]=x%10; x=x/10; } for (int i=1;i<=depth/2;i++) { swap(a[i],a[depth-i+1]); } ans=0; f[depth+1][0][0]=1; // =29333 f[depth+1][0][1]=1; // <29333 for (pos=1;pos<=depth;pos++) { memset(f,128,sizeof(f)); // cout<<f[19][0][0]<<endl; ans+=/*dfs(depth,0,0)+*/dfs(depth,0,1); ans--; //不考虑 0 它无论支点为几都出现 } return ans+1; //最后 加上 0 /* f[i][s][c]=f[i-1][s-(k-i)*j][0] */ } int main() { freopen("number.in","r",stdin); freopen("number.out","w",stdout); long long x,y; scanf("%lld%lld",&x,&y); printf("%lld",calc(y+1)-calc(x)); // while (1); }
POJ 3049(输出字母)
Program P3049; var n,i,j,m:longint; a:array[1..26] of char; b:array['a'..'z'] of boolean; c:char; procedure swap(var a,b:char); var t:char; begin t:=a;a:=b;b:=t; end; procedure dfs(father:longint;s:string;flag:boolean;l:longint); var i:longint; begin if l=n then begin if flag then writeln(s); exit; end; for i:=father+1 to m-(n-l)+1 do dfs(i,s+a[i],flag or b[a[i]],l+1); end; begin fillchar(b,sizeof(b),false); b['a']:=true;b['e']:=true;b['i']:=true;b['o']:=true;b['u']:=true; readln(n,m); for i:=1 to m do begin read(a[i]); read(c); end; for i:=1 to m-1 do for j:=i+1 to m do if ord(a[i])>ord(a[j]) then swap(a[i],a[j]); if n<3 then halt; dfs(0,'',false,0); end.
POJ 2456(二分哲学)
法二:进行特判,若l+1==r 则 m=(l+r+1) shl 1 否则 m=(l+r) shl 1
Program P2456; const maxd=1000000000; maxn=100000; var n,c,i,j,k:longint; a:array[1..maxn] of longint; procedure sort(l,r:longint); var m,i,k,head,tot,ans:longint; begin for k:=1 to 60 do begin m:=(l+r) shr 1; head:=1;tot:=0; for i:=2 to n do begin if a[i]-a[head]>=m then begin inc(tot); head:=i; end; end; if tot>=c-1 then begin ans:=m; l:=m+1 end else r:=m-1; end; writeln(ans); end; procedure qsort(l,r:longint); var i,j,m,p:longint; begin i:=l; j:=r; m:=a[(l+r) shr 1]; repeat while a[i]<m do inc(i); while a[j]>m do dec(j); if i<=j then begin p:=a[i];a[i]:=a[j];a[j]:=p; inc(i);dec(j); end; until i>j; if l<j then qsort(l,j); if i<r then qsort(i,r); end; begin read(n,c); for i:=1 to n do read(a[i]); qsort(1,n); sort(1,maxd); end.
POJ 3289(高精度乘法)
Program P3289; const maxn=40000; F=10; type arr=record d:array[1..maxn] of longint; len,doc:longint; end; var r,m:arr; y:longint; i:longint; a,b:arr; function max(a,b:longint):longint; begin if a<b then exit(b) else exit(a); end; procedure multipy(a,b:arr;var c:arr); var i,j,len:longint; begin fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); c.len:=a.len+b.len; for i:=1 to a.len do for j:=1 to b.len do begin inc(c.d[i+j-1],a.d[i]*b.d[j]); inc(c.d[i+j],c.d[i+j-1] div F); c.d[i+j-1]:=c.d[i+j-1] mod F; end; while (c.d[c.len]=0) and (c.len>1) do dec(c.len); c.doc:=a.doc+b.doc; end; procedure to_arr(doc:longint;var c:arr); var x,i,n:longint; begin read(x); i:=0; while (x>0) do begin inc(i); c.d[i]:=x mod F; x:=x div F; end; c.len:=i; c.doc:=doc; end; Procedure jie(a:arr;x:longint;var c:arr); begin if x=1 then begin c:=a; exit; end; fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); if (x mod 2=0) then begin jie(a,x div 2,c); multipy(c,c,c); end else begin jie(a,x div 2,c); multipy(c,c,c); multipy(a,c,c); end; end; begin to_arr(2,r); r.len:=3;r.d[3]:=1; to_arr(0,m); read(y); jie(r,y,r); multipy(m,r,m); for i:=m.len downto m.doc+1 do write(m.d[i]); writeln; end.
POJ 2390 (小数高精度乘法)
Program P2390; const maxn=40000; F=10; type arr=record d:array[1..maxn] of longint; len,doc:longint; end; var r,m:arr; y:longint; i:longint; a,b:arr; function max(a,b:longint):longint; begin if a<b then exit(b) else exit(a); end; procedure multipy(a,b:arr;var c:arr); var i,j,len:longint; begin fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); c.len:=a.len+b.len; for i:=1 to a.len do for j:=1 to b.len do begin inc(c.d[i+j-1],a.d[i]*b.d[j]); inc(c.d[i+j],c.d[i+j-1] div F); c.d[i+j-1]:=c.d[i+j-1] mod F; end; while (c.d[c.len]=0) and (c.len>1) do dec(c.len); c.doc:=a.doc+b.doc; end; procedure to_arr(doc:longint;var c:arr); var x,i,n:longint; begin read(x); i:=0; while (x>0) do begin inc(i); c.d[i]:=x mod F; x:=x div F; end; c.len:=i; c.doc:=doc; end; Procedure jie(a:arr;x:longint;var c:arr); begin if x=1 then begin c:=a; exit; end; fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); if (x mod 2=0) then begin jie(a,x div 2,c); multipy(c,c,c); end else begin jie(a,x div 2,c); multipy(c,c,c); multipy(a,c,c); end; end; begin to_arr(2,r); r.len:=3;r.d[3]:=1; to_arr(0,m); read(y); jie(r,y,r); multipy(m,r,m); for i:=m.len downto m.doc+1 do write(m.d[i]); writeln; end.
不等数列 (Dp插入e)
5 2
对于30%的数据:n <= 10
对于100%的数据:k < n <= 1000,
F[i,j]=f[i-1,j](j+1)+f[i-1][j-1](i-j) i表示从1到i的数 j表示小于号个数
const maxn=1000; var f:array[0..1000,0..1000] of longint; n,i,j,k:longint; begin assign(input,'num.in'); assign(output,'num.out'); reset(input); rewrite(output); read(n,k); if (k>n-1-k) then k:=n-1-k; for i:=1 to n do begin f[i,0]:=1; f[i,i-1]:=1; end; for i:=2 to n do for j:=1 to k do f[i,j]:=(f[i-1,j]*(j+1)+f[i-1,j-1]*(i-j)) mod 2012; writeln(f[i,k]); close(input); close(output); end.
另附 暴搜%30数据的版本
var b:array[1..10] of boolean; f:array[0..10] of longint; n,k,i:longint; procedure dfs(l,x,father:longint); var i:longint; begin if l=n then begin inc(f[x]); exit; end; for i:=1 to n do if not(b[i]) then begin b[i]:=true; if father<i then dfs(l+1,x+1,i) else dfs(l+1,x,i); b[i]:=false; end; end; begin readln(n,k); fillchar(b,sizeof(b),false); fillchar(f,sizeof(f),0); for i:=1 to n do begin b[i]:=true; dfs(1,0,i); b[i]:=false; end; for i:=0 to n-1 do write(f[i],' '); end.
RQNOJ 658(观光公交)
#include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<cmath> #include<string> #include<algorithm> #include<queue> #include<functional> #include<iostream> #define MAXN 1000 +10 #define MAXM 10000 + 10 #define MAXK 100000 + 10 #define MAXD 100 + 10 #define MAXT 100000 + 10 using namespace std; struct man { int t,l,r; }t[MAXM]; struct interval { int l,r,w; }; int n,m,k,ans,d[MAXN+1],wait[MAXN+1],w[MAXN+1],end[MAXN+1],sum[MAXN+1]; bool operator<(const interval a,const interval b) //重载 operator < 的意思 为q做准备 { return a.w<b.w; } priority_queue<interval> q; //priority_queue<Node, vector<Node>, greater<Node> >; 完整的不能用 void push(int l,int r) { bool flag=0; for (int i=l;i<r;i++) if (d[i]) {flag=1;break;} if (!flag) return; int tot=sum[r]-sum[l]; if (!tot) return ; interval now; now.w=tot; now.l=l; now.r=r; q.push(now); // cout <<"add "<< now.l << ' ' << now.r <<' '<< now.w << endl; } int main() { // freopen("qc.in","r",stdin); memset(wait,0,sizeof(wait)); memset(w,0,sizeof(w)); scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&k); for (int i=1;i<=n-1;i++) scanf("%d",&d[i]); for (int i=1;i<=m;i++) { scanf("%d%d%d",&t[i].t,&t[i].l,&t[i].r); wait[t[i].l]=max(wait[t[i].l],t[i].t); w[t[i].r]++; } end[1]=0; for (int i=2;i<=n;i++) end[i]=max(end[i-1],wait[i-1])+d[i-1]; ans=0; for (int i=1;i<=m;i++) ans+=end[t[i].r]-t[i].t; sum[1]=sum[0]=0; for (int i=2;i<=n;i++) {sum[i]=sum[i-1]+w[i]; wait[i]=max(wait[i-1],wait[i]);} // for (int i=0;i<=n;i++) cout<<end[i]<<' '; // cout<<endl; int tot=d[1],head=1; for (int i=2;i<=n;i++) { if (wait[i]>=end[i]) { if (tot) push(head,i); tot=0; head=i; } tot+=d[i]; /* tot+=w[i]*min(1,d[i]); // tot+=w[i]; */ } if (tot) push(head,n); //00 cout<<ans<<endl; //贪心 // sort(t+1,t+m+1,cmp); // 调试 /* while( !q.empty() ){ cout << q.top().l << ' ' << q.top().r <<' '<< q.top().w << endl; q.pop(); } */ /* for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) { cout<<end[i]<<' '; } */ while (k&&!q.empty()) { /* cout<<"/////////"<<endl; for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) { cout<<end[i]<<' '; } cout<<endl; for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) { cout<<wait[i]<<' '; } cout<<endl; */ interval now=q.top(); q.pop(); ans-=now.w; int i=now.l; //000 // cout << now.l << ' ' << now.r <<' '<< now.w << endl; // cout << ans << endl; //000 while (!d[i]) i++; d[i]--; int head=i,tot=0,i2=0; i++; while (i<=now.r/*&&wait[i]<end[i]*/) { // tot+=w[i-1]; end[i]--; //000 // for (int cse=1;cse<=n;cse++) cout<<end[cse]<<','; // cout<<endl; //- // cout<<i<<endl; // cout<<wait[i+1]<<' '<<end[i+1]<<endl; if (wait[i]==end[i]) {push(head,i);head=i;} i++; } i--; if (head!=now.r) push(head,now.r); /* if (i>now.r) {cout<<"smile"<<endl; cout<<'<'<<' '<<i<<' '<<wait[i]<<' '<<end[i]<<' '<<endl;} */ // cout<<"i2:"<<i2<<endl; /* if (i2) i=i2; i--; push(head,i); if (i<now.r) { // if (!d[head]) tot+=w[head]; push(i,now.r); } */ //处理 end[i] 显然最多影响到 now.r k--; } cout<<ans<<'n'; // 调试 /* while( !q.empty() ){ cout << q.top().l << ' ' << q.top().r <<' '<< q.top().w << endl; q.pop(); } for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) { cout<<end[i]<<' '; } */ // while (1); }
POJ 3661(贝茜晨练)
#include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<cstring> #include<iostream> #include<functional> using namespace std; #define MAXN 10000 + 10 #define MAXM 500 + 10 int f[MAXN][MAXM],n,m,d[MAXN]; int dfs(int i,int j) { if (i==0) return 0; if (f[i][j]) return f[i][j]; if (i&&!j) f[i][j]=dfs(i-1,0); if (j) f[i][j]=dfs(i-1,j-1)+d[i]; else { for (int k=min(i,m);k>0;k--) { f[i][j]=max(f[i][j],dfs(i-k,k)); } } return f[i][j]; } int main() { // freopen("running.in","r",stdin); memset(f,0,sizeof(f)); scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",&d[i]); printf("%dn",dfs(n,0)); // while (1); return 0; }
POJ 3575(计算几何与二分-无尽的小数处理)
这题 写了将近半个月……总是在D各种Bug
0 0 1
Program kingdom; const maxn=100; maxm=100; le=0.000000001; type circle=record x,y,r:double; end; var s:array[1..maxn,1..1000] of circle; n,i,j,k:longint; m:array[1..maxn] of longint; ans:array[1..maxn,1..4] of double; wanted:array[1..maxn] of double; b:array[1..maxn] of boolean; l,r:double; function arccos(cosa:double):double; var sina,tana:double; begin if cosa=0 then exit(pi/2); sina:=sqrt(1-sqr(cosa)); tana:=sina/cosa; exit(arctan(tana)); end; function min(a,b:double):double; begin if a<b then exit(a) else exit(b); end; function max(a,b:double):double; begin if a>b then exit(a) else exit(b); end; function sector(a,r:double):double; begin exit(a*r*r/2); end; function triangle(a,r:double):double; begin exit(sin(a)*r*r/2); end; function inlside(s:circle;l:double):boolean; begin if (s.x-s.r>l) or (abs(s.x-s.r-l)<le) then exit(true) else exit(false); end; function inrside(s:circle;r:double):boolean; begin if (s.x+s.r<r) or (abs(s.x+s.r-r)<le) then exit(true) else exit(false); end; function intarea(s:circle;l,r:double):double; var i,j:longint; a,a2,s1,s2,s3,s4:double; bl,br:boolean; begin if (r<s.x-s.r) or (s.x+s.r<l) then exit(0); if (s.x<=l) then begin a:=arccos((l-s.x)/s.r)*2; if (abs(s.x-l)<le) then s1:=0 else s1:=triangle(a,s.r); s2:=sector(a,s.r); if s.x+s.r>r then begin a:=arccos((r-s.x)/s.r)*2; s3:=sector(a,s.r); s4:=triangle(a,s.r); s2:=s2-(s3-s4); end; exit(s2-s1); end else if (s.x>=r) then begin a:=arccos((s.x-r)/s.r)*2; if (abs(s.x-r)<le) then s1:=0 else s1:=triangle(a,s.r); s2:=sector(a,s.r); if s.x-s.r<l then begin a:=arccos((s.x-l)/s.r)*2; s3:=sector(a,s.r); s4:=triangle(a,s.r); s2:=s2-(s3-s4); end; exit(s2-s1); end else begin bl:=inlside(s,l); br:=inrside(s,r); if bl and br then exit(pi*s.r*s.r); if bl and not(br) then begin a:=arccos((r-s.x)/s.r)*2; s3:=sector(a,s.r)-triangle(a,s.r); exit(pi*s.r*s.r-s3); end; if not(bl) and br then begin a:=arccos((s.x-l)/s.r)*2; s3:=sector(a,s.r)-triangle(a,s.r); exit(pi*s.r*s.r-s3); end; a:=arccos((s.x-l)/s.r)*2; a2:=arccos((r-s.x)/s.r)*2; s1:=sector(2*pi-a-a2,s.r); s2:=triangle(a,s.r)+triangle(a2,s.r); exit(s1+s2); end; end; function place(k:longint;l,r:double):boolean; var tot:double; i,j:longint; begin tot:=0; for j:=1 to m[k] do begin tot:=tot+intarea(s[k,j],l,r); end; // writeln(tot*n,' ',wanted[k]*pi); if (abs(tot*n-wanted[k]*pi)<le) then exit(true); if (tot*n<(wanted[k]*pi)) then exit(false) else exit(true); end; function bsearch(r1,r2:double):double; var m:double; i,j,k,num:longint; flag:boolean; begin for k:=1 to 60 do begin flag:=false; m:=(r1+r2)/2; for i:=1 to n do if not b[i] then begin flag:=flag or place(i,l,m); if flag then begin num:=i; break; end; end; if flag then r2:=m else r1:=m; end; b[num]:=true; ans[num,1]:=l; ans[num,2]:=r1; exit(r1); end; begin { assign(input,'kingdom.in'); reset(input); } r:=-10000; l:=10000; read(n); fillchar(b,sizeof(b),false); fillchar(wanted,sizeof(wanted),0); for i:=1 to n do begin read(m[i]); for j:=1 to m[i] do begin read(s[i,j].x,s[i,j].y,s[i,j].r); // writeln(s[i,j].x,s[i,j].y,s[i,j].r); r:=max(r,s[i,j].x+s[i,j].r); l:=min(l,s[i,j].x-s[i,j].r); wanted[i]:=wanted[i]+sqr(s[i,j].r); end; end; r:=r+1; for i:=1 to n do l:=bsearch(l,r); for i:=1 to n do begin writeln('4'); writeln(ans[i,1]:7:7,' 3000'); writeln(ans[i,1]:7:7,' -3000'); writeln(ans[i,2]:7:7,' -3000'); writeln(ans[i,2]:7:7,' 3000'); end; // close(input); end.