另外 空格的Ascii码是32,31及以下都是不可输入字符
program P2271; var s:string; procedure cin; var c:char; i,len:longint; begin s:=''; c:=' '; i:=0; while not(seekeof) do begin read(c); while (ord(c)<=32) and not(eof) do read(c); if ord(c)<=32 then break; repeat s:=s+c; if eof then break; read(c); until (ord(c)<=32); len:=length(s); if s='<br>' then begin writeln; i:=0; end else if s='<hr>' then begin if i>0 then writeln; for i:=1 to 80 do write('-'); writeln; i:=0; end else begin if (i=0) then begin if len<80 then begin write(s); i:=len; end; end else begin if (i+1+len<=80) then begin write(' ',s); i:=i+1+len; end else begin writeln; write(s); i:=len; end; end; end; s:=''; end; end; begin { assign(input,'p2271.in'); assign(output,'p2271.out'); reset(input); rewrite(output); } cin; writeln; { close(input); close(output);} end.