program P1308; const maxn=15; Var i,j:longint; b:array[1..maxn,1..maxn] of boolean; indegree:array[1..maxn] of longint; bo:array[1..maxn] of boolean; queue:array[1..maxn+10] of longint; procedure skip; var x,y:longint; begin repeat read(x,y); until (x=0) and (y=0); end; function main:longint; var i,j,k,x,y,root,node:longint; begin read(x,y); if (x=-1) and (y=-1) then exit(-1); if (x=0) and (y=0) then exit(1); while (x>0) and (y>0) do begin if b[x,y] or b[y,x] or (x=y) or (indegree[y]=1) then begin skip; exit(0); end; b[x,y]:=true; bo[x]:=true;bo[y]:=true; inc(indegree[y]); read(x,y); end; root:=0; node:=0; for i:=1 to maxn do begin if bo[i] then inc(node); if (indegree[i]=0) and bo[i] then begin if root=0 then root:=i else exit(0); end; end; if (root=0) then exit(0); i:=1;j:=1; queue[1]:=root; bo[root]:=false; while i<=j do begin for k:=1 to maxn do if b[queue[i],k] then begin if not(bo[k]) then exit(0); bo[k]:=false; inc(j); queue[j]:=k; end; inc(i); end; if (j<>node) then exit(0); exit(1); end; begin i:=1; while (true) do begin fillchar(indegree,sizeof(indegree),0); fillchar(b,sizeof(b),0); fillchar(bo,sizeof(bo),0); j:=main; if j=1 then writeln('Case ',i,' is a tree.') else if j=0 then writeln('Case ',i,' is not a tree.') else break; inc(i); end; end.