这题的教训是 要特判空串
Program P1951; var s:string; len,i,j:longint; b:array[0..10000] of boolean; function isdight(x:longint):boolean; begin if (x>=65) and (x<=90) then exit(false); if (x>=97) and (x<=122) then exit(false); exit(true); end; begin readln(s); fillchar(b,sizeof(b),false); b[ord('a')]:=true; b[ord('e')]:=true; b[ord('i')]:=true; b[ord('o')]:=true; b[ord('u')]:=true; b[ord('A')]:=true; b[ord('E')]:=true; b[ord('I')]:=true; b[ord('O')]:=true; b[ord('U')]:=true; i:=1; while i<=length(s) do begin if b[ord(s[i])] and not(isdight(ord(s[i]))) then delete(s,i,1) else begin b[ord(s[i])]:=true; inc(i); end; end; while (s[1]=' ') and (length(s)>=1) do delete(s,1,1); while (s[length(s)]=' ') and (length(s)>=1) do delete(s,length(s),1); i:=pos(' ',s); while i<>0 do begin delete(s,i,1); i:=pos(' ',s); end; i:=pos(' .',s); while i<>0 do begin delete(s,i,1); i:=pos(' .',s); end; i:=pos(' ,',s); while i<>0 do begin delete(s,i,1); i:=pos(' ,',s); end; i:=pos(' ?',s); while i<>0 do begin delete(s,i,1); i:=pos(' ?',s); end; writeln(s); end.