故用线段树 LogN查找……
Program P2828; const maxn=200000; var n,i,j:longint; pos,val:array[1..maxn] of longint; sum:array[1..maxn*10] of longint; ans:array[1..maxn] of longint; procedure pushup(root:longint); begin sum[root]:=sum[root*2]+sum[root*2+1]; end; procedure build(l,r,root:longint); var mid:longint; begin if l=r then begin sum[root]:=1; exit; end; mid:=(l+r) shr 1; build(l,mid,root*2); build(mid+1,r,root*2+1); pushup(root); end; procedure decr(l,r,root,node:longint); var mid:longint; begin if l=r then begin dec(sum[root]); exit; end; mid:=(l+r) shr 1; if (node<=mid) then decr(l,mid,root shl 1,node) else decr(mid+1,r,root shl 1+1,node); pushup(root); end; function find(l,r,root,value:longint):longint; var mid:longint; begin mid:=(l+r) shr 1; if l=r then begin decr(1,n,1,l); exit(l); end; if (sum[root shl 1]>=value) then exit(find(l,mid,root shl 1,value)) else exit(find(mid+1,r,root shl 1+1,value-sum[root shl 1])); end; begin while not seekeof do begin read(n); for i:=1 to n do read(pos[i],val[i]); build(1,n,1); for i:=n downto 1 do begin ans[find(1,n,1,pos[i]+1)]:=val[i]; end; for i:=1 to n-1 do write(ans[i],' '); writeln(ans[n]); end; end.