Program P2528; const maxn=10000; maxr=10000000; var t,n,i,j,k:longint; a,b,v:array[1..maxn*2] of longint; h:array[1..maxr] of longint; col:array[1..maxn*100] of longint; visit:array[1..maxn*2] of boolean; procedure qsort(l,r:longint); var i,j,m,p:longint; begin i:=l; j:=r; m:=v[(l+r) div 2]; repeat while v[i]<m do inc(i); while v[j]>m do dec(j); if i<=j then begin p:=v[i]; v[i]:=v[j]; v[j]:=p; inc(i); dec(j); end; until i>j; if l<j then qsort(l,j); if i<r then qsort(i,r); end; procedure update(l,r,sonl,sonr,root,color:longint); var i,j,k,mid:longint; begin mid:=(l+r) shr 1; if (sonl<=l) and (r<=sonr) then begin col[root]:=color; exit; end; if (col[root]>=0) then begin col[root*2]:=col[root]; col[root*2+1]:=col[root]; col[root]:=-1; end; if not((mid<sonl) or (sonr<l)) then update(l,mid,sonl,sonr,root*2,color); if not((r<sonl) or (sonr<mid+1)) then update(mid+1,r,sonl,sonr,root*2+1,color); end; function dfs(l,r,root:longint):longint; var i,j,mid:longint; begin mid:=(l+r) shr 1; if col[root]=0 then exit(0); if col[root]>0 then begin if not(visit[col[root]]) then begin visit[col[root]]:=true; exit(1); end else exit(0); end; exit(dfs(l,mid,root*2)+dfs(mid+1,r,root*2+1)); end; begin read(t); while t>0 do begin dec(t); read(n); for i:=1 to n do begin read(a[i],b[i]); v[i]:=a[i]; v[n+i]:=b[i]; end; qsort(1,2*n); j:=1; for i:=2 to 2*n do if v[i]<>v[i-1] then begin inc(j); v[j]:=v[i]; end; for i:=1 to j do h[v[i]]:=i; fillchar(col,sizeof(col),0); for i:=1 to n do begin update(1,j,h[a[i]],h[b[i]],1,i); end; fillchar(visit,sizeof(visit),false); writeln(dfs(1,j,1)); end; end.