Program P1094; type map3=record indegree:array['A'..'Z'] of longint; map:array['A'..'Z',1..26] of char; outdegree:array['A'..'Z'] of longint; end; var n,m,i,j,num,value,topvalue:longint; s:string; topout:string; map,map2:map3; mark:array['A'..'Z'] of boolean; tag:boolean; Function topsort:longint; var j,k,h,s,zero:longint; flag:boolean; i:char; begin topsort:=3; topout:=''; flag:=false; h:=1; s:=0; zero:=0; for i:='A' to 'Z' do if mark[i] then if map2.indegree[i]=0 then begin inc(zero); topout:=topout+i; end; if zero=0 then exit(2); s:=length(topout); while (h<=s) do begin if (h<s) then flag:=true; for j:=h to s do begin for k:=1 to map2.outdegree[topout[j]] do begin dec(map2.indegree[map2.map[topout[j],k]]); if map2.indegree[map2.map[topout[j],k]]=0 then begin topout:=topout+map2.map[topout[j],k]; end; end; if length(topout)>num then exit(2); end; h:=s+1; s:=length(topout); end; if s<num then exit(2); if (s=num) and (num<n) then exit(3); if flag or (num<n) then exit(3) else exit(1); end; Procedure ski(step:longint); var i:longint; s:string; begin for i:=step+1 to m do readln(s); end; Procedure pri(value,step:longint); begin if value=1 then writeln('Sorted sequence determined after ',step,' relations: ',topout,'.'); if value=3 then writeln('Sorted sequence cannot be determined.'); if value=2 then begin writeln('Inconsistency found after ',step,' relations.'); ski(step); end; if value=1 then ski(step); end; begin { assign(input,'P1094.in'); assign(output,'p1094.out'); reset(input); rewrite(output); } readln(n,m); while (n+m>0) do begin topout:=''; fillchar(map,sizeof(map),0); fillchar(mark,sizeof(mark),false); num:=0; value:=3; for i:=1 to m do begin readln(s); if (ord('A')-1+n<ord(s[1])) or (ord('A')-1+n<ord(s[3])) or (s[1]=s[3]) then begin value:=2; break; end; if not(mark[s[1]]) then begin mark[s[1]]:=true; inc(num); end; if not(mark[s[3]]) then begin mark[s[3]]:=true; inc(num); end; tag:=false; for j:=1 to map.outdegree[s[1]] do if map.map[s[1],j]=s[3] then begin tag:=true; break; end; if tag then continue; inc(map.indegree[s[3]]); inc(map.outdegree[s[1]]); map.map[s[1],map.outdegree[s[1]]]:=s[3]; map2:=map; topvalue:=topsort; if topvalue<=2 then begin value:=topvalue; break; end; end; pri(value,i); readln(n,m); end; { close(input); close(output); } end.