Program P2209; var n,p,s,ans,i:longint; begin read(n,p); ans:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin read(s); if p=2 then s:=s*s; if p=3 then s:=s*s*s; if s>0 then inc(ans,s); end; writeln(ans); end.
Program P2209; var n,p,s,ans,i:longint; begin read(n,p); ans:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin read(s); if p=2 then s:=s*s; if p=3 then s:=s*s*s; if s>0 then inc(ans,s); end; writeln(ans); end.
Program c; const maxn=1000000; type node=record num,d:longint; end; douq=record d:array[1..maxn] of node; l,r:longint; end; var n,k,i,j:longint; a:array[1..maxn] of longint; ans1,ans2:array[1..maxn] of longint; minq,maxq:douq; procedure push(var q:douq;num2,d2:longint); begin with q do begin inc(r); d[q.r].num:=num2; d[q.r].d:=d2; end; end; procedure popl(var q:douq;i:longint); begin with q do begin if d[l].num=i then inc(l); end; end; procedure popr(up,i:longint); var j:longint; begin if up=1 then begin with minq do begin while (l<r) and (d[r].d>i) do dec(r); if l=r then if d[r].d>i then dec(r); end; end else begin with maxq do begin while (l<r) and (d[r].d<i) do dec(r); if l=r then if d[r].d<i then dec(r); end; end; end; begin read(n,k); for i:=1 to n do read(a[i]); fillchar(minq,sizeof(minq),0); minq.l:=1; fillchar(maxq,sizeof(maxq),0); maxq.l:=1; if k=1 then begin for i:=1 to n-1 do write(a[i],' '); writeln(a[n]); for i:=1 to n-1 do write(a[i],' '); writeln(a[n]); end else begin for i:=1 to k do begin popr(1,a[i]); push(minq,i,a[i]); popr(0,a[i]); push(maxq,i,a[i]); end; ans1[1]:=minq.d[minq.l].d; ans2[1]:=maxq.d[maxq.l].d; for i:=k+1 to n do begin popl(minq,i-k); popl(maxq,i-k); popr(1,a[i]); push(minq,i,a[i]); popr(0,a[i]); push(maxq,i,a[i]); ans1[i-k+1]:=minq.d[minq.l].d; ans2[i-k+1]:=maxq.d[maxq.l].d; end; for i:=1 to n-k do write(ans1[i],' '); writeln(ans1[n-k+1]); for i:=1 to n-k do write(ans2[i],' '); writeln(ans2[n-k+1]); end; end.