这题 写了将近半个月……总是在D各种Bug
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Program kingdom; const maxn=100; maxm=100; le=0.000000001; type circle=record x,y,r:double; end; var s:array[1..maxn,1..1000] of circle; n,i,j,k:longint; m:array[1..maxn] of longint; ans:array[1..maxn,1..4] of double; wanted:array[1..maxn] of double; b:array[1..maxn] of boolean; l,r:double; function arccos(cosa:double):double; var sina,tana:double; begin if cosa=0 then exit(pi/2); sina:=sqrt(1-sqr(cosa)); tana:=sina/cosa; exit(arctan(tana)); end; function min(a,b:double):double; begin if a<b then exit(a) else exit(b); end; function max(a,b:double):double; begin if a>b then exit(a) else exit(b); end; function sector(a,r:double):double; begin exit(a*r*r/2); end; function triangle(a,r:double):double; begin exit(sin(a)*r*r/2); end; function inlside(s:circle;l:double):boolean; begin if (s.x-s.r>l) or (abs(s.x-s.r-l)<le) then exit(true) else exit(false); end; function inrside(s:circle;r:double):boolean; begin if (s.x+s.r<r) or (abs(s.x+s.r-r)<le) then exit(true) else exit(false); end; function intarea(s:circle;l,r:double):double; var i,j:longint; a,a2,s1,s2,s3,s4:double; bl,br:boolean; begin if (r<s.x-s.r) or (s.x+s.r<l) then exit(0); if (s.x<=l) then begin a:=arccos((l-s.x)/s.r)*2; if (abs(s.x-l)<le) then s1:=0 else s1:=triangle(a,s.r); s2:=sector(a,s.r); if s.x+s.r>r then begin a:=arccos((r-s.x)/s.r)*2; s3:=sector(a,s.r); s4:=triangle(a,s.r); s2:=s2-(s3-s4); end; exit(s2-s1); end else if (s.x>=r) then begin a:=arccos((s.x-r)/s.r)*2; if (abs(s.x-r)<le) then s1:=0 else s1:=triangle(a,s.r); s2:=sector(a,s.r); if s.x-s.r<l then begin a:=arccos((s.x-l)/s.r)*2; s3:=sector(a,s.r); s4:=triangle(a,s.r); s2:=s2-(s3-s4); end; exit(s2-s1); end else begin bl:=inlside(s,l); br:=inrside(s,r); if bl and br then exit(pi*s.r*s.r); if bl and not(br) then begin a:=arccos((r-s.x)/s.r)*2; s3:=sector(a,s.r)-triangle(a,s.r); exit(pi*s.r*s.r-s3); end; if not(bl) and br then begin a:=arccos((s.x-l)/s.r)*2; s3:=sector(a,s.r)-triangle(a,s.r); exit(pi*s.r*s.r-s3); end; a:=arccos((s.x-l)/s.r)*2; a2:=arccos((r-s.x)/s.r)*2; s1:=sector(2*pi-a-a2,s.r); s2:=triangle(a,s.r)+triangle(a2,s.r); exit(s1+s2); end; end; function place(k:longint;l,r:double):boolean; var tot:double; i,j:longint; begin tot:=0; for j:=1 to m[k] do begin tot:=tot+intarea(s[k,j],l,r); end; // writeln(tot*n,' ',wanted[k]*pi); if (abs(tot*n-wanted[k]*pi)<le) then exit(true); if (tot*n<(wanted[k]*pi)) then exit(false) else exit(true); end; function bsearch(r1,r2:double):double; var m:double; i,j,k,num:longint; flag:boolean; begin for k:=1 to 60 do begin flag:=false; m:=(r1+r2)/2; for i:=1 to n do if not b[i] then begin flag:=flag or place(i,l,m); if flag then begin num:=i; break; end; end; if flag then r2:=m else r1:=m; end; b[num]:=true; ans[num,1]:=l; ans[num,2]:=r1; exit(r1); end; begin { assign(input,'kingdom.in'); reset(input); } r:=-10000; l:=10000; read(n); fillchar(b,sizeof(b),false); fillchar(wanted,sizeof(wanted),0); for i:=1 to n do begin read(m[i]); for j:=1 to m[i] do begin read(s[i,j].x,s[i,j].y,s[i,j].r); // writeln(s[i,j].x,s[i,j].y,s[i,j].r); r:=max(r,s[i,j].x+s[i,j].r); l:=min(l,s[i,j].x-s[i,j].r); wanted[i]:=wanted[i]+sqr(s[i,j].r); end; end; r:=r+1; for i:=1 to n do l:=bsearch(l,r); for i:=1 to n do begin writeln('4'); writeln(ans[i,1]:7:7,' 3000'); writeln(ans[i,1]:7:7,' -3000'); writeln(ans[i,2]:7:7,' -3000'); writeln(ans[i,2]:7:7,' 3000'); end; // close(input); end.